Tips To Avoid Back Pain From Raking Leaves
Autumn paints the landscape in enough brilliant hues to make “leaf peeping” an annual event. But that visual delight can become a physical pain when those leaves hit the ground and fall cleanup begins.
Small weight gains increase risk of back pain and disability for males, study finds
A comprehensive two-decades long study of 695 men living in Geelong found that gaining as little as three kilograms of weight over five years is linked to back pain and high rates of disability ten years later, highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.
Experts weigh in on the battle against back pain and other workplace injuries
Preventing workplace injuries is the focus of the Brock University Associate Professor of Kinesiology's research and a key message during October's Global Ergonomics Month, which raises awareness about the way humans interact with objects and systems to protect their well-being.
What to know about a herniated disk in the lower back
A herniated disk can cause lower back pain, numbness, tingling, and other symptoms. Certain factors make a herniated disk in the lower back more likely. Treatment may depend on the severity.
How long can I take ibuprofen for low back pain?
Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) generally suitable for short-term relief of low back pain. For most people, it is safe to use for up to 10 days at the recommended dose.